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Business Card Holders

Business Card Holders

The challenge with business cards is not losing them. Every meeting may result in at least one or two new business cards, and these cards can be thrown on a desk, in a binder, in a conference bag or left in a pocket to be washed. All of which defeats the purpose of collecting said cards. It's important for companies to maintain their contacts and that's why we can offer you the opportunity to create and distribute branded promotional business card holders.

By creating business card cases, you're able to offer your network of clients and customers something much more than a simple business card. Think of the impression your company can leave on a person by offering them a place to store their important contact information. You can even leave a business card of your company in the holder!

The key with business card cases is that you are making the process of collecting business contact simpler. Your company and your specialised advertising business card holder provides a solution to storing important clients business cards on the go. And every time the owner of the card holder saves effort by keeping a business card they will be reminded of your business thanks to our custom engraving service. Your company will be a helpful partner in the business process, and if you can help them in this way, then you'll have them wondering if your company can help them in other ways too.

Everyone has their own organising system set in place, but how difficult is it to hold onto something smaller than a mobile phone? People can keep your company's marketing message with them in their pocket as they go to business meetings or even travel, and that's a great place for your company to be.

We offer a huge range of business card cases in different sizes and styles - please take a look at the business card holders available now.